Brandi Battle 37w ago Its Good To Know Jesus Its good to know Jesus and its good to know Jesus one hundred percent. The more we keep going and going we will be alright and the more we keep going and going we will get the bigger picture and see tmore…
Brandi Battle 41w ago We Stand In Agreement With Jesus Oh yes and oh yes we do without the urgency to get a clue. He wants us to partner with Him with some very timeless partnership. Being His so obedient loves will release and unleash that fresh oil frommore…
Brandi Battle 41w ago We Cannot Lose Our Cool We cannot lose our cool and we cannot lose our cool one hundred percent to be confident. Daddy God wants us to make some progress physically and spiritually. The enemy is in trouble but Daddy God willmore…
Brandi Battle 42w ago We Got To Stay In Divine Alignment We got to stay in divine alignment physically and we got to stay in divine alignment spiritually. We are on a mission and we are on a mission to transition. Daddy God wants us to keep our Jesus momentmore…
Brandi Battle 42w ago Jesus Is Our Homework Assignment Jesus is our homework assignment over all homework assignments. We got to make sure our priorities are straight and we got to make sure priorities are straight before it’s too late. It’s up to the Jesmore…
Brandi Battle 42w ago Let’s Keep A Jesus Balance Let’s keep a sweet Jesus balance physically and spiritually. From the bottom of our hearts Daddy God wants us to keep a steady pace to flow more and more. We got to make sure we press and we got to mamore…
Brandi Battle 42w ago A Christian In Detention Whenever a Christian is in detention they need to accept the fact that God wants to do more than just react and interact. There is no place like Heaven and there is no place like home. We got to keep more…
Brandi Battle 42w ago A Christian In Trouble A Christian In trouble is a Christian being ready to face the fact that they must do more than just interact. Storms have to come and storms have to go. We must keep going on like the energizer bunny more…
Brandi Battle 42w ago A Christian In Crisis A Christian in crisis is nothing easy and nothing simple to deal with. We never know what will come up and we never know what is destined to happen. Daddy God wants us to keep our heads up physically more…
Brandi Battle 42w ago We Are Going To Recover All It doesn’t really matter what it looks like physically and spiritually due to the realization that it’s worth it to birth it. Daddy God is making sure we get those double portion blessings and those dmore…