dan than allow one thing to have everyone, the rest with none

Testing Waters

dan nothing is, and will be what isn't, if we accept it fully...I'd rather everyone have a thing,

Testing Waters

dan ...there is truth in that, yet here is me-nothing, what could thy be, but deserving me?

Testing Waters

dan to say we are undeserving of anything, is saying nothing is, without being undeserved

Testing Waters

dan of god,we have walked his path-into his past of one being separated...as he descended...

Testing Waters

dan what I believed happened, in our past, is our departure from it...from the time we crucified the son

Testing Waters

dan yet how can a director give anything a true direction, having none itself

Testing Waters

dan I believe both are deserving, there is direction in life....we need a director(s)

Testing Waters

dan would you agree, that we are deserving of a god?or do we deserve to be gods?

Testing Waters

dan they, needing our past-for their future, are in harmony with our perfected harmonium(at it's time...

Testing Waters

dan by our future(s), that have no past but rather a singular future, aligned with our many pasts

Testing Waters

dan the leaders we needed in the past, are awaiting in our future-having being led...

Testing Waters

dan ...lol, never thought of that buffoon...lol, glad I'm canadian :)

Testing Waters

dan descend back into the chaos of a bunch of sheep(thinking themselves one Shepard), trying to lead...

Testing Waters

dan in truth, we all are leader...each one here(in truth) is meant to lead, it is that-or...

Testing Waters

dan a leader we need, the only one deserving the position is someone with a confirmed vision...

Testing Waters

dan and thus corrupt it, conversely, the blessed,righteous, and believers leading is just as tyrannical.

Testing Waters