David Fenwick 6y ago 12 holes Another round passes byPlayed it sweet, yet I’ve still to master this feat.Three times I did it wellmore…
Lisa Dauro 6y ago Dignity The shyness in my heart,Marks the dignity in my soul....Take care of my heart,Protect my soul....
Rob 6y ago Against All Odds The struggle goes on no matter what.The elephant trumpets.The lion roars.more…
radebe 6y ago What would it be like? What would it be like?To sit beside you and look up at the stars.What would it be like?more…
radebe 6y ago my memory Its rarely the “big” moments that make an impact.It is those little moments that implant themselves in the memory.They seem to last a lifetime.more…
anonymous alcoholic 6y ago My eyes scream My eyes are blaring, blaring, blaringJust sleep!What a concept, a dreammore…
Liz Nicole Folse 6y ago Somehow I’ll Grow My thoughts flow through me, Like water from a faucet. Never-ending and clear.more…
Liz Nicole Folse 6y ago G.R.F. He’s like the sunrise, Unique and colorful.His arms as warm as laying in the summer grass.more…
Brinab34 6y ago That kind of Pain. The pain is almost physical.You feel it, It’s like a whole dug straight in your heart,more…
Jess dalton 6y ago Casual error In the casual error of the words ignorance There is inconsistent dark conceitAquarius is the resemblance of life that was once held by lightmore…