He looks exactly the same, but little different
But looking closely, he is notably significant
Neither can I lie nor hide my emotions
He reflects my fear, my happiness, my sadness, drawn from deep ocean
I tried to look to outer world for a friend
But he was always there reflecting me, from beginning to end
Rest used, played, left with my emotions and me
But he made me strong each time and shown cruel reality to see
Each time when I feel low, I look at the reflection in the mirror
I see lonely guy but strong than yesterday, without any error
He knows my dark secrets too but will never reveal
Loyalty within us has boned us strong and its life time deal
As years pass by, he looks different from outside
But he is exactly the same as me in deep inside
He is only friend who always advice and support my all doing
I can count on him even in my mistakes and wrong doing
He is me and I am him reflected on the mirror
I may have some draw backs but he is my ideal figure!