Closing my eyes
I see all those images preserved inside
Thick bundle of albums beneath that lies
Those bonded ties of past and those moments of pride
All lies within these closed eyes preserved safely
Those moments are well preserved with each flash, even the time flee
Someday I will open my each albums to someone
But first there are more memories to capture with my setting sun
Some moments at time seemed like edges of knife
Oh, those ups and down of my life
All those love talks and those breakups
And all those friendships and commitment of growing together in close up
Grief of past seems funny moment today
Thinking past, I realize neither the moment nor the time could stay
My first crush that I stared all the time on her way
Only aim was to get her, everyday that I used to pray
The girl I first kissed, I was all sweaty and nervous
Heart was jumpy and I was anxious
Happiness, sadness, envy and anger; oh, that young me
Aims, dreams, desire and plan; those days I was wild and free
With change of time all those I have to leave behind
But all those moments are kept in albums deep in my mind
Closing my eyes sometimes, those moments roll like moving photograph
Sometime it is black and white, and sometime filled with colors in that spectrograph!