He wore wire rimmed glasses
Weird looking clothes
Had a fine rig for his horse
Passing thru I suppose
But I learned from a friend
He was out here to stay
And that everyone said
He would not ride away
He had bought a large spread
And had cattle to work
But no one really liked him
He looked like an upitty jerk
But the word really spread
That old four eyes was alright
And every cowboy in town
Wanted a job over night
He could ride he could rope
With the guys all day long
And at the end of the day
Drink liquor and sing songs
Well they all came to like him
And they worked side by side
They would do anything for him
And together they’d ride
One day he stopped in
For a whiskey or two
When a drifter came in
Just out of the blue
He said pour me a drink
Charge it to four eyes over there
Well Ted never moved
He didn’t care
Well the drifter he drank
And to all their surprise
Ordered another and again
Said charge it to four eyes
----------------------------------- ----
Well Ted had enough
And he knocked the man down
Drug him outside
And watched him leave town
Now all the cowboys there
Were astounded and surprised
That this drifter was beaten
By the man called four eyes
Now that’s not all
That’s the way that it went
Cause He would return
To become the 26th President