I been really lazy, and bored,
These two years seemed like a mere nightmare,
I have begun to fear my life,
The dark knife surrounded me,
I been getting round, and fat,
Food was constantly on my mind,
Just spending money,
Nothing was funny in my life anymore,
I am not a modern day comedian,
Nothing in my life seems meaningful anymore,
Just a boring dude,
I got a bad ass attitude,
Just rude, and nasty,
My facial expression is full of nasty mean looking aggression,
I constantly beat myself up for nothing,
Something is truly wrong with me,
I long for happiness, and joyful moments,
I can write poems, and beautiful love songs too,
I Been A Fool,
P.S. This poem was my true feelings of emotions. I love to write poems, and my creative imagination comes from my heart of love. I been fat for two years, and started eating Burger King. Before then I was a runner, and cyclist. I bottled up all my feelings of emotions, and eating has become my entire life. Since I been writing poems has helped me to deal with life problems, or you can call them in general terminology life obstacles. I wanted my life to be perfect like a picture perfect work of art like a Picasso. Life is not perfect, we must deal with life obstacles, and learn from them. Never give up. Today I made a decision, and I am going to start to loose weight, and change my life for the better. Keep on writing poems, they are beyond masterpieces works of art, because they come from our own thoughts, and we must express those thoughts, or feelings down with creative writing, and innovative words of wisdoms.