With a Wink Of An Eye

With a fading smile and a wink of an an eye Summer gives way to Fall with a kaleidoscope of colors Falling leafs dancing as if in a gravity defying ballet to make a beautiful carpet rustling about in the breeze The cool air caressing your cheek as it wafts by O! the alluring beauty that has fallen from heaven This a sign of the coming seasons Animals scurrying about to be ready for what is coming Only the wary survive winters onslaught Along with the bitter cold, snow, and ice comes a new different beauty The stark nakedness of the landscape The sun reflecting off the barren snow The long shadows of empty limbs With a waking smile and sleepy-eyed, Sping arrives Green grass emerges from the melting snow and ice Trees and flowers bloom, animals joyfully jump and run Life is good. With bright eyes and a broad smile, Summer arrives bringing all the warm lazy days one would want Life is great