May someone tell me Why we do what we do and the sense of it all

May someone tell me Why we do what we do and the sense of it all That’s the question nobody knows answer to. Thats a answer no human cant answer as well and but i will say this our bodies an soul is different we do what our human bodies not what our soul wants therefore theres no sense in it @It can be because as a soul you look for experience so that you may add to what life's you have to give, of the skills and that of God spark that you are/have, @so that you can hold the view window for that of God, so that God can see life happening to better understand what is completion, the state at which God is at always; as God can only be God, complete and never change, as God has to stay where God is or God would be something different/ be in a different state of being. @ to be what is in the Journey of seeing the stage of things, as God only see things in completion/poof, it's already done @ to be able to be a creation from the creator/God, to create life, in the means of us being a God spark and so we in our own right are are own creators of our life and are in control of what is created. @ to play a game in which we act like we for got who we are and so we can see what we would do with us being creators that don't remember who they are and still have all the powers that they did before they forgot and to be able to see how we create as God's dose with no idea of what it means to create. @ to be the only place of creation, that has the power of free will,so we can do as being bad, when all we are is pure good in real life, in doing so we can be able to better understand what we are and what we can do. @ to rase the vibration of the planet, so that it may go back to the state in the 5th dimension If you really think that man is unable to answer why they are here, is still in the stages of recalling what they are and are not looking life's messages of life, and are simply miss the understanding of their souls power or even what is taking the time to really look at life, such as seeing life from the different dimensions Some have came to help the other 1ones that are stuck here/needing a bit of help to recall who they are Some have come to just be here at this te of a paradigm shift from the 3rd to 5th dimension ©charfire_m