I am a Female that's blind and hearing impaired.
My lack of sight and hearing does not hold me back.
To hear, I wear Hearing Aids.
To walk independantly, I use a white Mobility Cane with a red ball tip.
I have accomplished many things that I have lost track.
Technology has given me the ability to...
Write, read, learn, listen, play, and interact.
To access the World Wide Web, I use an iPad.
My screen reader is Voice Over, think of it as a guide.
I do many things on my iPad that if I list what I do in a day, you would be bored and click away.
Since you're curious, I'll let you know a few things I do:
Read, receive and answer emails.
Writeing Poetry on Medium.
Browseing articles on Smart News.
And the list goes on and on.
Besides being on my iPad, I have other interests.
I like to explore my city and shop.
Now you know who I am.
Written by Muniza Master