
Life is life unless it’s a life Of hell bound, good as hell, is just something someone1 says when in hell and just don’t know it; thinking your just a human/monster(3ed degree) all because someone1 that shows up for the Roman cult of 2020 years, the making of this ground lie. ©charfire_m Life is much more then what someone1 from a economic world would like you to know of, for knowing things is to not know anything at all; knowing of, something is to stay balanced/centered. The Harper’s fly high, is this time, at times, it seems as hell will be bounded by my side, counting the days that add up to lifetimes, back to back enviros echos of futures past; to be opening life’s gifts each rolling sec ©charfire_m The river of the heart will keep on flowing, following the bends of life’s hurricane, the eye of the storm keeps calling me back to the center of it all, to be balanced/loving of self, seeing self more and more in the solace eye line’s to be roaring horizon heart beat. Never sell your soul for debt/money, the devil will come out from within you; stay too the highest of truth and you will be, to be bring yourself to being yourself ©charfire_m Life’s echoing river will never die/dry, as long as their is motion, too move is to create energy; energy can only change form, so the more souls ((“Multi+dimensional being, that is Energy(for energy can’t be destroyed and can only change form) that is a Quantum lifestyle and a solace pathway; life’s rippling rear of Devine happens”) or are you a NPC robot? That’s why you got to “Knowing of,“ and grow from ”Knowing it.” )the more God+Creater/life, will see more of itself....a means of seeing more of 1ones self.