sometimes gray

Black and white and sometimes it’s gray, so the sayings go, they call the brain, gray matter; so when someone1 says talks about the gray, they are talking about the realm of the mind, as their are those that think their just human/monster(legalese) instead of a when they are of mankind/a soul (“The IAM that you are/Multi+dimensional being, that is Energy(for energy can’t be destroyed and can only change form) that is a Quantum lifestyle and a solace pathway; life’s rippling rear of Devine happens”) or are you a NPC robot? That’s why you got to “Knowing of,“ and grow from ”Knowing it;” because you are always whole yet, you are always filling up your cup ask “ is the glass half empty or half full... to be or not to be self loving. ©charfire_m Don’t let the lie of language, set you on the wrong path; or there are varying degrees of, human/monster(legalese) use legalese to trick and enslave you the soul and even the NPC are slaves, it’s all the NPC Know