
It emerged without any warning to the world, The invisible enemy was upon us, We did not know where the pandemic came from, We could not tame this beast, My given lifestyle will never be the same again, When will this deadly virus disappear, Time is of the essence, I been quarantined, and social distancing myself from others, This reminds me, of past pandemic of one hundred years ago, The Great Pandemic of 1917 killed 50 million, and three waves of the approaching virus was upon us once again, Humanity is the greatest gift, God from Heaven above gave us, We can not loose focus upon this virus, it’s truly ahead of us, We had no time for preparations, if only we knew of the incoming invisible deadly enemy, It truly kills everybody, and infected those innocent people with its deadly spread, Transmitted to another person, and truly sickened the victims immune system, Symptoms come upon you, with a high fever, and severe breathing problems, This nightmarish pandemic weakened your entire body, and kills you, Still time is running out, not like the sands of time in the hourglass, We need a vaccine, or all humanity will be gone from this earth, Gone like the wind, The pandemic climbs upon top of a mountain with a immense curve, When will the plateau of the virus come down, Only time will truly tell, I keep telling myself, maybe the virus will be gone, I see so much death, and innocent life’s lost, My mind is truly lost in the twilight zone of my own imagination, We must fight for all humanity, and find a way to survive this deadly pandemic, We may loose sight of our reality, but we will never give into this invisible enemy, Winston Churchill said a great quote,”Never Never Give Up,” I wrote a letter to my true LadyLove, I love you with all my heart, My eternal heart of love, beats more, and more for your love, I am a human-being who loves, and has the inner-strength to never give up, I must yell, A very high rebel yell, I must tell myself, humanity will go on for some, and some will die, We may cry in tears, This pandemic manifested a true fear, with so many insecurities, We must get tested, and find out if we are infected with this deadly virus, which truly does not discriminate anybody, Some will be immune after the virus leaves you, They called that herb immunity, Maybe I will get the virus once again, only time will tell, I tell myself, I must stay strong, and stay home, It truly saves humanity from sudden death, I am truly a fool, for my LadyLove, Weeks, and months pass by so fast, not fast as the speed of light, I lost sight, and my true love died from the deadly pandemic, I could not believe this truly happened, This truly was a mere nightmare, I have truly feared life now, My true love had a face an angel from Heaven above, I truly loved her, Our love is an everlasting love, Our love never dies, Our love grows like a beautiful red rose, My darling love, was way too young, and too innocent, This pandemic took everything from me, Something strange came over me, I felt the presence of my lost love, She did not want me to give up on life, Life is a gift from God, I must live life, and create a positive momentum, which never stops, but counter- attacks all that negativity forever, One year passed, and the waves of the pandemic are over, Human beings lost their life’s, One hundred million are dead, Enough said! This pandemic did not kill me, The dreadful experience made me stronger, with my own beliefs, and convictions, True strength comes from within, A pandemic taught me, never take human life for granted ever again, When will I find true love once gain, Only time will tell, Pandemic,