My Summer Vacation

I am relaxed, and chilling out, My mind is relaxed, and brainstorming new innovative ideas of creative thought, I fought back all those negative influences, and put them to rest, Sometimes life obstacles knock you out, I want to shout out loud with an immense rebel yell, I run, walk, power walk, jogging, and sprinting onto the running track, I always see a beautiful panoramic view of New York City, This picture perfect view truly inspires me to keep moving with positive momentum, I truly eat healthily, and eat in moderation, The Coronavirus taught me, to make myself healthy, and strong once again, I like the quote Winston Churchill said,’Never Never, Never Give Up, John Cena the wrestling superstar uses the quote all the time too, He is way cool, I am way cool, and chilling out, The Fall chill will be upon us sooner, or later, I am still looking for true love, but I been in the twilight zone of my own imagination, Thinking about life, What is the purpose of my life, and the true meaning of my life too, The dark knife is out of my life with those dreadful memories of the past, that haunted my very own thoughts, All my feelings of emotions were bottled up in the hourglass, I must blast the glass, and shattered all those painful memories of painful regrets, I must get focused into my life with a new meaningful purpose of profound happiness, My Summer Vacation,