I Constantly Beat Myself Up

I feel down, and depressed once again, When will I feel profound happiness, Only time will tell, I do not have a dime to my name, I can not be tamed, I am full of anger, and aggression, Depression surrounds my entire life, The dark knife is in my life once again, My wife left me for good, Sometimes I am truly misunderstood, I am confused about the meaning of life, and what is my true purpose, I am lost for words, Every time I am bad, I just eat everything in sight, I give into all the negative influences, and beat myself up, I must shut the hell up, Negativity will never influence me ever again, I must create a new positive momentum which only grows more, and more, All the times, I am sad, and truly depressed, I constantly beat myself up, and full of rage, I feel like a wild animal trapped in a steel cage, I feel like Mike Tyson knocked me out, I must shout out loud with a rebel yell, Why am I like this, What is truly wrong with me, I long for true love once again, My life is truly a mere nightmare, I truly fear life too, I use to be way cool, and chilling, I am just a fool, I Constantly Beat Myself Up,