
𝓣ruth be told, that day was magic 𝓘gnition of what was supposed to be dead 𝓣he words you’ve said 𝓤ttered earnestly 𝓢ince then, you’ve had my heart 𝓟iece by piece, you’ve understood the puzzle 𝓗ome is what I’ve longed for the most 𝓘 now understand what it truly means 𝓛ove used to be just a word 𝓘ndefinable but I have chosen you as the —-meaning 𝓟raying and hoping I have made the right choice 𝓒ount me in all your days for the rest of our —lives 𝓐fter 21 years of waiting 𝓖lad I finally found you 𝓐nd amidst all of that’s to come 𝓘n trials, errors and successes 𝓢oulmate, I will hold you no matter what