i have found many reasons why i am soft and full. almost like water herself has given me her shape. the moon phases. as do i. when the wind angers and then slows in speech, my feet runs with him. the clouds form stories. my lips follow along. strangers stare, look away, don’t care or even lend a hand. my eyes trace these behaviors and mimic. my ears have heard lie and truth. i rest solely in the truth and throw away childhood lies.
my tongue flat and cool as silver marries the warmth in my chest. the fire it created roars in my bones. and then my lifeline, my heart. so big. so beaten. weary. alive.
still, she beats. even when i sleep, she makes music.
if i were to lose a part of myself, let it not be my heart. it is the least selfish and the most kindest. not even my hands can give as much as she. they can try. but their mother cannot be outlived. nothing gives like a heart.
merciful and graceful. radiant and glorious. divine.
long live love.