It truly is the invisible virus,
It is really the dreadful virus of mere nightmares,
This imminent event caused so many manifested fears,
Humanity were crying in tears, because they lost their love one's,
I too came close to death from the Covid19,
Nothing could tame this virus, it was spreading, and infecting so many like a mega tsunami wave,
We thanked God from Heaven above, all the Covid19 vaccines came out,
I shouted out, with an immense rebel yell,
I am lost for words, when it comes to this nightmarish virus event,
Viruses, and go, the Pandemic will never be forgotten by humanity,
I wish I could curse at this virus,
This year was truly a nightmare,
Pandemic go away, and never come back,
The virus took so much innocent human life's, and it truly isolated us into a life of heritage period,
The dark knife will leave sooner, or later,
The Pandemic