The Man I never knew

By Frank Lilpoeta Fernandez The Man I never met All I know I have his last name. The Man I never see his face. The Man who I never understood. The Man who was like a Phantom of my heart. All I know is his name. But it's like a name that is always listed in a book. But The Man I know for 18 years that raised me. He is my uncle Phil to my soul. The Man who introduced me to History. But his love is unlimited. The Man who introduced me to one of the greatest minds of film making Steven Spielberg His name will be forevermore is my dad. His love will never die out. The Man who grabbed my hand and taught me the world. I'm his Aladdin and his Luke Skywalker But his love got me stronger and stronger His actions taught me how Discipline worked. My life is like the show Fresh Prince of Bel Air. He always be my dad. I'm grateful to be his son His name is Rony Madrid Aragon But the Phantom of my soul will be always be Menolo Fernandez. I guess this is meant to be.