I am a man, with feelings of emotions,
I sometimes bottle up my emotions in the hourglass of the sands of time,
I do not have a dime to my given name,
Nothing in my life, will ever be the same,
I can not be tamed, I am the beast of the East,
I am forever a complexed intellectual man, with innovative creative ideas of thinking,
I may sink myself, into the quicksand,
I will stand up, and speak at the podium,
I will yell,
Yell with an intense rebel yell,
I constantly have negative/positive thoughts,
I fought back, and got the dark knife out of my life once again,
Enough said,
I can curse any word,
I can verse any word,
Word up to life,
The dark knife does not, surround my life anymore,
I am all mixed up,
I tell myself to shut up,
I will never, never, never, give up, on my life anymore,
I am more, and more focused on my life,
Our life existence has meaningful purpose, and profound happiness,
Sometimes I can be mean,
My facial expression is full of mean nasty aggression,
Enough said,
This year that passed by, was a mere true nightmare, of the dreadful pandemic,
My New Years resolution is that this virus leaves, and never comes back,
Live life, or life will live you,
The time travels, as fast as fast as the speed of light,
I will never, never, never, give up,
My true self comes from within,
My sorrowful eyes are full of keen sharp observation,
Tomorrow is another day,
I will stay positive, and motivated too,
I am way cool,
A cool chilling out dude,
Enough said,
I still live life with the Christmas spirit all year,
My life is not a mere nightmare,
I have no fears anymore,
Live life with happiness, and joy,
Enough said,