My end is near,
My life manifested so many fears,
What circumstances, and events got me, to stand onto the roof top, and getting ready to end my life existence,
My life existence has know meaningful purpose,
Suicide is the only way out,
I want to shout out loud, with an immense rebel yell,
Tell everybody I will truly miss them all,
I am headed for an immense great fall,
My tall friend, tried to convince me that everything was going to get better for me,
Something is truly wrong with me,
I am truly a fool,
My friend is truly a cool chilling out dude,
I have a bad attitude on life,
The dark knife surrounds my life,
I am truly going to end my life,
Do not jump, I want to talk to you,
You mean the world to me,
I can not loose a good friend, whom I truly care for,
You mean so much to me, and everybody else,
Your life existence has a profound meaningful purpose,
Believe in yourself,
Suicide is not the way,
You must stay focused on your life, and believe in your true self,
Change comes truly from within,
I can truly achieve my life goals, but I must first believe in myself first,
I do not want to jump,
My life may be in the dumps right now,
I know I can change, my life, but my sorrowful soul is stopping me, from living my true life purpose,
Love life, and live life,
I want to live life,
Life is a gift from God, from Heaven above,
I truly love life,