winnie the pooh

watching winnie the pooh as a kid was one of my best childhood memories. my favorite character was tigger as he was always energetic and excited and crazy. he was full of life and was everything i wanted to be. as i have gained years onto my lifetime i have seen more clearly that nothing about this show was real. the feelings and emotions of happiness that these characters had all of the time were misleading to the world i live in today. i have realized that the only character i can resonate with anymore is eeyore. i never understood why eeyore was so sad and gloomy but as time has gone on and the world has ripped me apart, i understand the feelings of depression and hopelessness that he experiences. the slight spurts of happiness that are momentary before i convert back to my old ways. the continuous fight with the world and myself to receive a breath of fresh air before falling back into the pool of darkness that i can never drag myself out of. the feeling of envy that i have for the others tiggers in the world but knowing that nothing they can do will help me. so thank you eeyore for being the only character with authenticity. Never in a million years did i believe that my empathy for you would convert itself into admiration.