Glancing into the mirror I can see the road travelled, and the detours made…
Forgotten memories of happiness,..left behind in the rear view start to entirely fade away…
The pain that sits on his chest balances the pain that shields his lonely broken heart…
It towers over his soul because it’s all he knows and as fragile as he is, he has to remain tough…
None will truly understand him, none will truly love him once his true colors are shown..
He will forever be a image painted by others because it’s who they want him to be, he’s a no one…
It’s nothing new, to him it seems like everyone treats him the same, he hopes for better but didn’t seem worthy…
Being the center of the problem and getting blamed for the truth his mind speaks will cause him to be unfortunate and lonely…
Nothing new,
It all turns out the same, making him a mistake each time….
He just wants to be happy, content with life and not have to fear that his opinions will ruin anything…
Silence is what has to master in order to be happy,
But at what cost…..