Do you not know how exhausting it is to create to publish to share on the web
nine to five office worker some days that i am ready to quit
the metrics of likes of views of claps of responses matter
gives an idea of what to focus on when going through the heapes of drafts left lying around
scraps of notes on top of each of other waiting to be expanded thrown out left
rotting to be used in the distant future can you smell the trash that hsn’t been picked up
wanting to my in bed more days in counting i may just give in not showing up
none ask none say hi none have questions why should i bother when there is no one interested
the masterpieces i call them because they are in my eyes
do you even gaze upon them do you ever sop to read otherwea$e have i the writer gone mad
guess will never know i may never ask i may never think at the end of the day is this all Wkrightth It
Written by Muniza Master