Over the Years…

1. You must show up for yourself 2. The events or moments you don’t want to go to, can turn out to be life changing 3. It’s okay to not know what to say. Sometimes that’s the best response 4. Practice stoicism, but at the right time and moments 5. Being human is important. Have fun. Take a break. Breathe. Live 6. Remove the word “weird” from your vocabulary. Just because it may be new to you, doesn’t make it “weird,” it means it’s different 7. Be alone. Take time to understand who you truly are 8. Love yourself and you will begin to love everything around you 9. Be uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. That’s real, genuine growth 10. Be in control of your emotions by understanding them. Don’t let them overpower you 11. Stay level-headed and humble. Life can remind you to practice this really fast 12. Listen more than you speak 13. Practice humility. It’s okay to say sorry and apologize 14. Say no. It’s okay to do what is best for you 15. Practice patience and understand that certain things cannot happen overnight 16. Cry. But remember to pick yourself up. You are not your pain or heartache 17. I have much left to learn, experience, and understand. I am perfectly imbalanced and over the years I’ve learned, I don’t want it any other way.