It’s easier to live a lie. Then to live down the truth. Turning your back on who you were. Everything you Live through Believing the rot in your past could never bear fruit. So you easily tear up the roots. And any chance you had for internal growth, you just up in blew. Walking out the door, to start anew. But no matter how successful you become you’re still playing the fool. Acting as if you belong to a world that hates the site of you. Moving and swaying to someone else’s cues. All to collect The appropriate response. When the “right” people take in the view. And what’s worse is you knew. That it could only lead to disaster. And your options dropped to a precious few. But still, you allowed yourself to be put in a untenable position. Were there would be no option left to choose. And all that you could do was fucking lose. Take the ungodly beating. The scrapes, kicks, blacks and blues. Hating yourself every time you feel the sting of the bruise. But what hurts more is knowing you could’ve lived a life where you managed it. If only you had stayed to pay your dues. This unscheduled trip to the gutter, acting as a muse. Rock bottom is a college education. One can only hope you rise, born anew. No longer living the life of the subdued. The balance between who you are and want to be is attainable. As long as you’re the one to choose. And never fucking lose. The Perspective on where you’re growing. And respect for the modesty of your roots. A TRUTH UNLIVED