Why am I like this? Why can’t I see?
This weakened version inside of me.
I’ve dumbly misplaced all my boundaries
I weep while the world passes around me
They judge me like I’m some filthy monster
Hey get me some help! Someone call a doctor
I’ve coughed up a demon, it’s causing me agony
Id call my friends but I don’t seem to have any
I know I’m dreaming deeply and I can’t wake up
I keep clawing at my eyes to open but they stay shut
I wonder.. will this demon let me go? will I get saved ?
I cry to God a hundred times but must’ve misbehaved
‘Cause there’s no way this torment would still continue
So my precious life and my souls’ salvation are the issue
So ill pray again but this time I will believe what I’m praying
God will feel my prayers’ vibration and he will feel what I’m saying
My prayers have been answered I’m no longer in chains!
All I’m after is a relationship with God, it still remains
Only He knows me well enough to fix my tattered wounds
If I hadn’t given up and given it to God I would be doomed
The Lord wants a relationship with all of us for eternity
The choice is yours to love him back but there’s urgency
Haven’t you felt that war going on against good and evil?
God hasn’t gotten all his people beside him yet but he will
The war we will win! Evil is too weak against the I AM!
Got is merciful, so forgiving! He’s the lion and the lamb!
I lay my life down for this all deserving powerful energy.
God could kill me but he chooses to love me so tenderly
How have I gone this long not feeling his Holy presence ?
God cares and listens, he just wants me to learn lessons
Why else would I go through pain and lonely times often?
My whole life these lessons saved me from a black coffin
So I give all my praises to the one true King of all things!
So let every tongue confess and let every tongue sing!
For our Father in Heaven who watches with joyous love
If I chose to worship him continuously it’s not enough
He gave me life and purpose I just have to seek it out
But I just want to make Him smile ‘N make Him proud
Let the Angels help all of us! Protect us from all the evils
Help churches become true and protect all of Gods’ people
I’m going to pray so I know my way and means to pure joy
God wants me to love you my life and obey and just enjoy
The wonders of His love and all the fun things we can do
I want to stand upon the mountains and look at the view
He created all of it for us, I can’t believe he even chose me
So in the morning ill get to the floor and ill hit my knees
‘Cause I’ll start the day with the righteous Holy Spirit
As for sins and wicked darkness I just won’t go near it
It’s not worth risking magnificent eternity with God
So when Holy Spirit comes ill close my eyes and nod
Cause the feeling is like no other it gives me lots of peace
God is fighting the devil who made corruption and disease
My heart aches for them who turn away from our Lord
This isn’t some small issue that we can all just ignore !
Where will you go when you die and become dust?
Will it be worth it for fame, gains, trickery, and lust?
Not for me you guys! I won’t tolerate all the evil in my life
Sit down pull up a chair! Get comfortable and ask me why
I’ve danced a few myself with darkness so I know it’s’ trap
Give to Satan for riches, he’ll take you to hell just like that
He wants your soul, he doesn’t want what’s best for you!
Why have that over love and mercy? Whatever will you do
Just try to acknowledge that you’re a sinner ‘N ask for help
Put all that New Age stuff out of the way and on the shelf
A relationship with the creator is so important you see!
He gave His only Son so there’s salvation for you and me