Live life,
The dark knife comes back into life with a revenge,
It takes your life,
I will probably die, sooner or later,
I am going to hold it in my subconscious mind,
It is a battle of calories, sizes, and big, as well as small too,
I preoccupied a lot of space,
My space will become, smaller, and smaller,
The battle has begun,
My innovative ideas, come my creative mind, as well as my subconscious too,
I am a fool, if I give up,
I want to shout out,’ with an immense rebel yell,
I stand at the podium, silence, isolation, and secret situation,
which taunt my very own thoughts,
I fought with everything, and I do not know what the final outcome will be,
I have beaten myself up, with a lot of negative influences, which haunt my life,
Nobody will never know,
I am forever doomed, with my eating situation,
Maybe this time, I will truly live,
I truly do not know,
I am truly a fool at heart,
God save me, and pray for me,
Make me stronger, in faith, and spiritual enlightenment too,
Never Give Up!
Enough said!