Tess 7y ago OUR STORY Part1 OUR STORY.PARTY ONEI do clearly remember, though, I’ve tried to forget.more…
Jess dalton 7y ago Noise Flailing arms, startled facesblinding ears, deffend smileswalk on water, swim on landmore…
Hina 7y ago WHY? Sometimes I would cry in the night I would ask myself why but I don’t know the reason why. You ask me why am I not speaking to be honest I don’t know why. To you it seems like nothing yet to me it memore…
Zainab Ayinde 7y ago The girl The girl with the prettiest faceHer skin so smooth with dark brown eyesmore…
Denise Huddleston 8y ago Nest For years I've been building my nestStick after stick nice and pressedmore…
Denise Huddleston 7y ago Fear She stares out her big blue eyes full of tearsRemembering all of her fearsmore…
Denise Huddleston 8y ago Hustlers Hustlers run day and night Only sleeping when the time is rightmore…
Denise Huddleston 8y ago Trapped We arrive at the motel I sat next to the windowSoon he closes the drapes with clothespins in towmore…