nevaehmitzner 50w ago I am I am a girl who is scared I wonder if i will never be happy I hear the voices is my head more…
nevaehmitzner 1y ago my life You don’t know what it’s like to see your own mother cry because you’re a disappointment to her and this family she wants nothing to do with you or your younger siblings don’t even know you because yomore…
nevaehmitzner 1y ago fake friends It’s funny how you think that people are your friends but then they go around telling people things that you didn’t even say Or do in my case it was my best friend Ava told all my secrets to everybodmore…
nevaehmitzner 1y ago I’m close to the end I’m close to the end im ready to go to sleep and not wake up im sorry to the people who care but i have to do this i have to leave i can’t take the pain no more i thought she cared about me but she domore…
nevaehmitzner 2y ago you don’t know You don’t know what It’sLike to cry your self to sleep Or wear Long sleeves tomore…
nevaehmitzner 2y ago eating disorder I wake up early every day to run and burn calories and I come home and work out and weigh myself and get ready for school I have not eaten anything in 2 weeks my friends are getting worried my parentsmore…