Samantha Nicole 3y ago Fortress of comforters I’ve built a fortress made up of comfortersSurrounded by fresh lavender scentSipping my favorite vanilla lattemore…
Fatima Abdulkarim 4y ago life Is like a school Learning different sorts of things Here some changemore…
manisha 3y ago unfettered me Huge wings under a blue sky,Flipping like the angry pages of a ignored book,Brain mechanism going rounds and rounds,more…
Indran Naidoo 4y ago Noble profession, open doors I bear witness Eternally and universally an impacted student, more…
Samantha Nicole 4y ago Sound Waves The words emittedAnd in that 2.9 seconds I had hopedI closed my eyes wishing I was not heremore…
yana 3y ago Lost I imagine a girl lost in a sea of undesirable thoughts. Desperately trying to escape the tide of her fate. Fearful of them blooming into storms that are already brewing. And as the fragrance of her famore…
poetry ghost 3y ago Don’t Say Goodbye to the Sun Where did the sun go? Where is that feeling of warmth that used to spread through me? When did it get this cold, when I used to be so free? I’m locked up wherever I go now. This cloud is always hanginmore…
Yeshasri chennagouni 4y ago I LOST MYSELF I lost myself , When I started Impressing people!I lost myself ,more…
Anusha 4y ago Summer Summer is the best time to ruminate,About finding an essential resolution,Going on surfing on the deep blue exquisite waves,more…