Ricky Sholar 7y ago Tell Me What You Really Think You sat and looked at me as if,I had lost my mind.You told me I was crazy,more…
Beth 7y ago A Friend Like You On days when I am feeling blueI wish I had a friend like youTo tell my darkness to more…
Alexandra 7y ago Don't Forget Don't forget what matters most to you For when the moon comes out and the light is snuffed outDon't worry about what's to come more…
Bipin Belbase 7y ago The Moon! When the sun is downThe black night fills with moonThe cold lonely whisper comes like a fragile soundmore…
Denise Huddleston 7y ago Fear She stares out her big blue eyes full of tearsRemembering all of her fearsmore…
Mark Alaimo 7y ago Sadness I can not deal with life,The dark knife surrounds my life,My life is full of regrets, and mistakes,more…
Bipin Belbase 8y ago Each Others' Company! The anxiety that runs through the headAnd all over the body that spreadThe feeling of sad, and lonely memore…