It hurts

If you knew how much it hurts, You would not do it. You do not understand, But I dont blame you... It hurts but that's okay, It means I do love you. I always want to spend time with you, But not until it's to late for you, To decide on whether you want to... or not. It hurts that I am a second option, To your plans Your shoes Your feeling But it's okay, It means I do love you. All I want is you to myself, I guess it's wrong, Maybe it's just me, But I do not see you everyday. When I think I can, I tell you in advance, But for you, Maybe the last minute will work. I want coffee and talking, You want chilling and fucking... It hurts, But it's okay, It means I do love you. Let me plan the date, Let me plan the meet, Let me plan the gift, Let. Me. Not us, me. 'I'm sorry' No I don't believe, It doesnt matter really, Because it's just me. 'I'm trying!' If you were you really wouldn't have to say it, I try but I don't say anything, Does it matter really? Yours bigger than mine, right? It hurts But it's okay, It means...