Pain arrests any and all Plans that were made Pain is your selfish friend That won’t go away Pain can be all consuming Sometimes Compensating gait Increased chance I could fall Increasing ache, oh the ache! Don’t engage me in conversation For pain sake! I’m no fun to talk to I’m lost within the sensation Can I just lay down! Aching and stinging worsening Please excuse my frown I’ll try to improve my attitude Turn that frown upside down I know! Others have it worse I should stop feeling sorry for Myself And accept this curse! Yes! It is that bad! Pain is an MMA fighter Strikes with precision and cruelty To which I refuse to pledge fealty I’m so sorry! I get so snarky I’m just having a bad pain day I don’t want to ruin yours I’m not always this way Pain is a vicious master While he pokes and prods he Also has his disciples ask if I’ve Tried Thai Chi, etc I’m sorry to hear about your Cousin who has pain like mine, etc Pain can make it hard to be Patient and kind I know it can be difficult sometimes To find the right words I can’t find a word that rhymes I need to go lay down