DrKalyanKChakraborty 6y ago Flow Rhythmic, synchronic, symphony, Essential only harmony; Work, work, again work ... , Drive, move, but dmore…
Denise Huddleston 7y ago Nest For years I've been building my nestStick after stick nice and pressedmore…
marissa shea 7y ago coming to a conclusion Sometimes we get so lost,We don't know what to do,This life comes with a cost,more…
Tirso Acuña 7y ago School I like having friendswho I can have fun and drink with;we go to a park, lie on the groundand dedicate ourselves to forget everything.
Mark Alaimo 7y ago My Phone I love my I phone,I am never alone,I write all my poetry, from my I phone,more…
Mark Alaimo 7y ago My Past Love Of Long Ago I loved you with all of my heart,I fallen in love with you, the first time I glanced at your beautiful angel face,You truly are an angel from heaven,more…
Mark Alaimo 7y ago Myself All alone, and isolated,I have fallen into a deep state of depression,I am full of anger, and aggression,more…
Brinab34 7y ago My way Home I lost my way way,Sometimes, just sometimes,Only for a little while,more…
Richard “mike” Dixon 7y ago With a Wink Of An Eye With a fading smile and a wink of an an eyeSummer gives way to Fall with a kaleidoscope of colorsFalling leafs dancing as if in a gravity defying ballet to make a beautiful carpet rustling about in more…
Richard “mike” Dixon 7y ago Silence Walking among my old friends in the silence of the early dayI reflect on the open field scattered with stone A few trees dance silently in a light breeze more…