Floetry29 3y ago Tear Looking closely the smile distracts the bigger picture,Glowing eyes filled with hope, blurred vision, constantly trying to see clearer,The pain is hidden,tucked away and sealed away from the public,more…
Floetry29 3y ago Addicted It’s the best feeling,just to know that it will always make you smile,No matter what happens, it’s always there.. sometimes it comes and go, it may stay awhile..The rush it gives.... it’s so amazingmore…
Floetry29 3y ago FIRST Daily issues that never stop,causing more pain each day..Holding back demons that can’t be held back anymore, because they wanna come out to play...........breathe, control....more…
Floetry29 4y ago Sorry Reflections of past tense reminiscing once banished by faded memories hanging by a threadHaunts my very existence, creating miscalculated circumstances by misjudged causes and events,Is this what itmore…
Floetry29 4y ago Mirror.... Brown skin, brown eyes, wonders of life,Confused, constantly used, abused and shut out...Being stupid, cause you’re stupid, stupid,more…
Floetry29 4y ago Poetic Pain pt1. Stressing over things that I have no control over, that barrier I could’ve sworn I conquered,I was doing good, controlled my anger, chose the right dialect, tried to become more humbled...Love will more…
Floetry29 4y ago Admit It Admit it,Your stupid for those you love...But whenever it’s about you,They don’t truly don’t give a fuck..more…
Floetry29 4y ago Why Me? Placed in situations that seem to be real, only to be blinded,Worrying about everything, because I have no choice....Some may say that there are always choices, tho not mine, I have to solve them,more…
Floetry29 4y ago Meaningless Changing for a purpose that makes you feel lower each chance given, Yet you see positive, trying to hold on, getting belittled, constantly forgiving... Your stupid, holding onto something that doesnmore…