poetry ghost 4y ago Shards of the Sun To speak of stars and endless fallingI’m yet to understand the shadows callingAnd if all is lost by the morrow...more…
poetry ghost 4y ago The Deep Blue Must you step into the deep blue,Crawling up the sugar-made sands?Waiting in the malevolent dark for you,more…
poetry ghost 4y ago Don’t Say Goodbye to the Sun Where did the sun go? Where is that feeling of warmth that used to spread through me? When did it get this cold, when I used to be so free? I’m locked up wherever I go now. This cloud is always hanginmore…
poetry ghost 4y ago This Fight Rotting from the inside outOnly beginning to show throughCollapsing into myselfmore…
poetry ghost 4y ago Winter Night I know isolation, and swelling darknessI know what it’s like to listen to that silenceIt speaks to me in words I both wonder and fearmore…
poetry ghost 4y ago Because I Care Cast me not into the eye of your hatredI’m not invincible to all that lies thereYou’ve heard that these words are sacredmore…
poetry ghost 4y ago Shadow I stepped away for a momentBut what’s done was lost in timeI held the refusal to show itmore…
poetry ghost 4y ago Numb Love Sensation of hearts collidingNumbed beneath my skinThe dove, again gently glidingmore…