The Divine Dancer 7y ago Still Alone I do not know whether it is a constant need for attention,Or a clear indication that no one is willing to listen,I fear that my presence is more of a want than need,more…
Ricky Sholar 7y ago An Orchestra In The Night I listen to the thunderAs the lightening fills the sky’sThe smell of rain is in the airmore…
Bipin Belbase 7y ago Its' Not A Date! With a smile on face, looking to each otherWe sat by the window in that Chinese restaurantOrdered some food, looked like half cookedmore…
Ricky Sholar 7y ago Dad The Song Leader My mother used to fuss at dad, in church he’d lead the singingHe really wasn’t that great a singer and kept my mother fussingOn the way to church one day as mom to dad was speechinmore…
Ricky Sholar 7y ago Sleep Walking In Church Growing up consisted of Sunday morning worship.I don’t mean no disrespect it made me a better grown up.It also led to funny tales that I’m about to share.more…
anonymous alcoholic 7y ago Put peg A in slot B and you have art "Look at that damn art on the wall""What do you think it means""How does it seem to be"more…
anonymous alcoholic 7y ago Disbelief The world is just suspension of disbelief The conflagration of meaning and enterprise Is only whispers in front our eyesmore…
anonymous alcoholic 7y ago drunken thought So many conscious thoughts on one act, one thing, the most simplest thing a million people, feeling and thinking, how amazing this act is, how impossible it is, yet so simple. How does the tv drown somore…
anonymous alcoholic 7y ago Depressing pleas Just kill me know in my chocking voiceThe cracking and slapping talk we hereI mean jokes and sarcasmmore…